Devlog 10: Polish

First of all, as of this moment you can download our V1 build. So feel free to test the game yourself.

This week was the last sprint of our development. The only goal was to polish everything existing to the best we can and fix all the bugs. The first thing you probably noticed is that our itch page completely changed from last week. We took some time to make it proper and fitting to our game. There is a nice hero shot of the characters with the new designed logo, and we have a supporting background render with spiders crawling up the walls.

Visually there were quite some changes to the scene. The shader got some tweaking, post processing with color grading was added, we have a new fire vfx now more in the style of the game instead of the realistic one before, and some environmental particles swirling around. Some other minor tweaks like emission settings and lights to the spider heads were implemented aswell.

This is how the new scene looks now:

We put quite some color grading on to get the seperation between warm and cold area as we planned from the beginning. There was also the decision to get rid of the outline shader. In the end it didnt help at all for clarity but more so did add too much noise.

We also added a glow VFX for the interactibles, as well as a wind trail for the arrows and the players running.

The UI is now final and polished. We made sure the whole feel of the game was well translated through the texturing.

For the programming side, we worked on ironing out the last remains of the old inventory and durability systems, we fixed the navigation for the monster and other enemies, as well as improved the logic for the monster in general so that it can go back to sleep. We also added some screen shake and sounds. Additionally, there is more player feedback in the form of indicators for where the player is supposed to bring the stuff they pick up. We also added controller support to the UI and some other minor fixes.

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24 days ago

Get Against the Darkness

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